Mar 27 2018

I've been busy making changes to the web site recently.  I started adding newer images to this Blog page but quickly realized they were overwhelming it.  So I added a new page called "Recent Images".  Please let me know what you think, and if there are things you'd like to more or less of.

I've had some requests to tag my images, which I've now done.  Some shots I'm unsure of and would love to have you help ID them!  You can reply to this post, or email me via the CONTACT header.

I'm hoping to use a certificate I have for a helicopter ride (doors off) in the near future.  This is the best way to shoot as the glass/acrylic windows can create distortion and colored flaring on the images.  However nothing loose is permitted in the cockpit, so my gear will be well strapped to my harness system.  Before I go I'll need to get another wide angle lens (my old one got damaged and won't focus properly).


Feb 2018

I've been on a few shooting sessions since my last post (life does get busy, doesn't it?).  I will add a few shots from each starting with the latest.

These are in Edmonds, mostly birds. With one exception most are upbeat and fun.  That exception is the Edmonds waterfront has lost one of it's resident Kingfishers.  It was trapped in a salmon pen that was installed recently (see earlier post) and couldn't find its way out.  I contacted some folks about it a week of so ago requesting the bird be removed, not sure if that has happened or not.  Was still there several days later.

On to fun things...


These gulls were either in a courtship ritual or a big disagreement.  It sure looked like the latter to me.

These gulls were either in a courtship ritual or a big disagreement.  It sure looked like the latter to me.

The "discussion" continued for a while.  They finally flew off, and one returned.  It was a noisy scene.

The "discussion" continued for a while.  They finally flew off, and one returned.  It was a noisy scene.

Another sign of spring

Another sign of spring

Um, definitely some courtship going on.  'Nuff said.

Um, definitely some courtship going on.  'Nuff said.

I love trying to capture birds at the beginning of their dive - "kissing the water", so to speak.  This merganser decided to head down.

I love trying to capture birds at the beginning of their dive - "kissing the water", so to speak.  This merganser decided to head down.

So much for spring.  We had a family weekend in Leavenworth, WA with a lot of snow the second day.  Yes, it was snowing as hard as it looked.

So much for spring.  We had a family weekend in Leavenworth, WA with a lot of snow the second day.  Yes, it was snowing as hard as it looked.

Beautiful scenery

Beautiful scenery

This goose was coming right at me, just overhead

This goose was coming right at me, just overhead

A Goldeneye in the Wenatchee river, shortly after the goose flew by.  The water was clear and I could track it as it dove and swam against a very swift current.  I was using it's beak to overturn rocks on the river bottom.  Very inter…

A Goldeneye in the Wenatchee river, shortly after the goose flew by.  The water was clear and I could track it as it dove and swam against a very swift current.  I was using it's beak to overturn rocks on the river bottom.  Very interesting!

Edmonds Waterfront 2/13/18

On the waterfront in Edmonds yesterday I happened on a few people watching someone pouring water from a large hose into - more water.  I HAD to check this out!  It turns out these were a group of a few thousand 1 year Coho salmon being transferred from the Willow Creek Salmon hatchery to a holding pen.  These will reside here for a few months with the intent that they will "imprint" the area and then be released, with the hopes they will return and spawn.  


Pumping out the salmon into the pen.  Has to be a rude shock to the fish, huh?  The good news is there were only a couple of the fish that didn't survive.

Pumping out the salmon into the pen.  Has to be a rude shock to the fish, huh?  The good news is there were only a couple of the fish that didn't survive.

I had my shutter speed up pretty high in order to catch the detail of the water and fish.  Taken with 100-400mm lens and 1.4 extender.

I had my shutter speed up pretty high in order to catch the detail of the water and fish.  Taken with 100-400mm lens and 1.4 extender.

This shows a bit more detail on how many fish go through the pipe.  Don't think the gulls didn't notice!

This shows a bit more detail on how many fish go through the pipe.  Don't think the gulls didn't notice!

Skagit County 2/10/18

I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take a trip north to see what was around.  There were scattered birds, including Snow Geese and Swans in fields, but not in large numbers.  
After going to a few areas I started back but found - along with a number of others - a large group of Snow Geese just off the road so pulled over and waited until some action happened.

These geese obviously can't read.  Honest, this sign was really there. 

These geese obviously can't read.  Honest, this sign was really there.


Here are a few of the approximately 2,000-3,000 Snow Geese in the field, that took flight when some Bald Eagles showed up.  Now only 2,999 left.

Here are a few of the approximately 2,000-3,000 Snow Geese in the field, that took flight when some Bald Eagles showed up.  Now only 2,999 left.

What a beautiful sight in the sun and blue sky.  I intentionally blurred this image a bit using a relatively slow shutter speed to give an idea of what it looks like in real time.

What a beautiful sight in the sun and blue sky.  I intentionally blurred this image a bit using a relatively slow shutter speed to give an idea of what it looks like in real time.

This gives you an idea of the depth of the geese as they took flight.  Images were taken with Canon 7DMII, 100-400 lens with 1.4 extender, f8

This gives you an idea of the depth of the geese as they took flight.  Images were taken with Canon 7DMII, 100-400 lens with 1.4 extender, f8

Up and Running!

When I go out shooting I end up taking a lot of pictures - over 100k of them so far.  Sorting through these takes a lot of time, reflection, editing and thought.  I've tried to present a sampling and variety of what I shoot.   That said this is not complete or perfect, nor will it be.  But that's not the point.

Photography has become somewhat of a journey for me, both mentally and physically.  Hiking as I shoot has helped get me in good shape.  It also allows me time to reflect where I am, enjoying being in the moment, and gaining more understanding about what makes a good picture.  Images can be technically great and fit all the rules. Others not so much, but that is not always important.  There are times something catches my eye - do I stop what I'm doing and refocus my attention?  I'm finding myself doing this more even if I have to re-trace my steps.  It can be a learning experience that brings about a different view of the world I see.  Hopefully it leads to photographs of interest, that makes the viewer stop and look a little deeper as well.

I look forward to hearing from those of you that visit this site.
