Bee on Poppy

Bee on Poppy

Migrant Hawker Dragonfly in Flight

Migrant Hawker Dragonfly in Flight

Dragonfly and Shadow

Migrant Hawker Dragonfly

Not sure what subspecies this is?


Grasshopper. Edmonds
Lorquin Admiral Butterfly. Edmonds, WA

Moth on Lavender

Red Admiral Butterfly


Lacewing Profile. Edmonds, WA

Lacewing Profile. Edmonds, WA

Moth on Window

Spider Webs

Spider Nests. Edmonds Marsh.
Think this spider(s) has it's bases covered here.

Bumblebee on Hot Lips Salvia
What would happen if the bee and a hummingbird wanted to get nectar from the same flower at the same time?

Petting a Bumblebee
No one got stung. And no, that's not my finger.

Moth(?) on Fungus
Help me ID this!

Snail on (...hmmm?).
Would LOVE to hear what answers people come up with!! If you email me I'll give you the answer!

Snail - Another View
Same question as the previous shot.

Interesting Bug (Beetle?) on Morning Glory. Yost Park, Edmonds WA
First time I've encountered one of these. Let me know if you can ID it!